The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday already. May 11.

Had a great MD weekend with my mother. Ate good food. Went over Friday and Sunday. Kind of glad to be back to my more recent eating plan this week, which is not 3-3-3, but maybe more like 3-2-9 or 3-1-12....we got home yesterday about 4PM. Just relaxed and had a nice clean din.

Up with pretty good sleep. Coffee. IF today.

WOD: Power Cleans: 1-1-1-1-1-1. So let's just say this was not my day. Not just no PR, but not even close to my PR. I was shooting for 135, that never happened. 105-115-125fail-125fail-115-125fail. Mental case, I am- esp. when it comes to cleans. I was/am a little bummed about it, but I know it's just an off day. I know I am strong enough to clean the 135, I just can't get my head around it sometimes. Really frustrating for me.

Home to more coffee and then the sauna. Got to travel today to LP, so I get to have my first meal of the day at Pat's BBQ. Great.

salad with turkey, added pepper, almonds.
2-2-9. home to leftover roast beef to make up the protein.

Dr. Mike's in a bit.

eggs, bruss sprouts, red pepper, avocado.

salmon, egg, brocc, red pepper, olives, few pecans


1 comment:

  1. No worries girl. I haven't set a new PR on anything in a while. It's alright, don't let it get you down mamma. You are super strong just remember that.
