The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tuesday, October 7

Up and coffee- sleep was pretty good, not as solid as Sunday night- still a work in progress. As a start, I am first going to attempt cutting off liquids by 730PM to reduce trips to the el bano during the night. Paul and I have been enjoying some half caff coffee (usually 1 c. each) after dinner, but I think I should try to nix that....I read on RW's site that strong hot coffee aids in digestion, but I'm thinking that our half caff really isn't what he had in mind....(he gave espresso as an example!)

Snack- salmon, nuts.

WOD: Dual MW: A better day. Row 750m, then 5 rounds of: 12 deadlifts, 8 power cleans, 4 push jerks- 83 lbs. WOW. Nice one, but tough. I know my form on the cleans was less than stellar, and I had to set the bar down a few times, even though coach warned us about that...finished 14:08. Shout out to MK for slamming it in 12 minutes today- she's a machine- metcon and weights are one of her specialties, for sure! Extra Work: 50 weighted walking lunges, 20&25 lbs.

Breakfast: hb eggs, peach, eggplant, nuts. yummy.

Lunch- 1B salad with pepper and tomatoes, neglible amt. of cuke. Added avacado, chicken, nuts.

Snack- chicken and nuts.

Din- chicken, brocc, green beans, nuts.

Sore all over.



  1. Hey girl, nice job this week so far on the wods. The hand issue is miserable. Have you tried keeping those spots soft, and really work on hand position. I hope you figure it out. I have to come to grips with the fact that when I come back I will not even be able to do rx'd wods. That will kill me. Stay strong and keep up the great work. Miss ya, and see ya soon. JB

  2. God its good just to hear from JBod isn't it? it will really be good when he is back in the gym doing WOD's with us! Thanks for the words today ... very timely and keeping me in check... i am sure you are sore after your performance on todays WOD... such a good all over sore, isn't it?! Oh almost forgot Dick's is supposed to open Sat the 18th... hopefully. Sleep well and see you in the am friend
