The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday January 19. Rain.

Up when the clock woke me up. A small victory. :) Didn't feel like eating, had a little coffee.

WOD: Hang Power Cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Made it up to 120lbs, stayed there to clean it up and get more confident. I'll take it for now. It's a PR, I think. Did extra work with MK today, back squats: 5-5-5-5-5. Did 1 set at 135lbs, then 5 @ 145lbs. It was great to see Alex this am. And, CONGRATS to J. Brod for getting his Level 1 Cert! Way to go, Brody Bro!

Breakfast: 4 eggs, 1/2 apple, walnuts.

Lunch- salmon, salad and brocc, avacado, walnuts. What a diff that extra egg makes when it comes with breakfast, not as an early am snack. Didn't even think of lunch till 130.

So not hungry today, which is so not like me!

Din- chicken, bruss sprouts, avacado, walnuts.



  1. Thanks girl. Nice job on the extra work. We have soooo much to talk about. see ya soon

  2. Been waiting for you to post to see how your DL's & DU's went today... you must be on the road!
