The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday already :) February 3

Took a rest day yesterday- had an early day for work and the 6AM opening Wednesdays pretty much took care of me going in- thanks!!  Funny how I do not think twice about taking an actual day off these days....

Went down late last night- Wednesdays on the 101 are great, but late :)  I realize my days of this life are numbered, so I am doing what I want now.

Up at about 630AM.

Made coffee, tidied up the kitchen, headed out to the garage box, CF Markle:

rest day for CFMom, made up yesterday's WOD:

21-15-9: OHS @ 65, push ups (box).  10:24.  Got the 21 OHS unbroken, had to break up the 15 tho.

scrambled eggys with gf butter, blueberries, walnuts, coffee with almond milk.

So, I think I can honestly say I feel pregnant these days.  I am feeling like I am getting BIG, not my belly as much as my ass and legs.  I am pretty sure I could have kept things a bit leaner in these last months, because truly, I have been eating what I want (good deal of fruit, protein shakes, plenty of fat- as if I was doing athletes' skinning the zone two-a-days, baked chicken wings, cured meats, and throw in some cake here and there as a major foul).  I think, compared to most pregnant women, I have been eating pretty clean, but that's not such a great standard since I think many preggos go off the deep end.  Have NOT been near as clean as I am in daily life before getting pregnant, however, and this disappoints me a bit.  I get on the scale next Tuesday at the 36wk appointment.

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