The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday Feb 26

decent sleep. coffee, egg, walnuts.

WOD: Row 800, 21 Push Press (53), 21 KBS (24k), 18's, 15's, 12's 9's, run 800. This was particularly hard for me today, with the big row first. I couldn't ever catch my breath! The presses and swings weren't a cake walk either. 17:17. MK killed it, as usual! :) And a shout out to JB for the 17 flat. Extra: Squat cleans 5-5-5-5-5. Worked up to 85lbs.

Breakfast: eggs, eggplant, nuts.

Lunch- mahi, brocc, red pepper, avocado.

snack- egg, walnuts.

din- jason's deli- standard.
4-2?-13 over on fat and I don't care at the moment.


1 comment:

  1. Hi. Greenmarket and Slow Food Southwest Florida is having an event at Robb and Stucky saturday that might be interesting to check out. It's from 10-2. I am going to leave copies of the info my coworker gave me at the gym for you and whoever else might want to check it out! UGH after reading your blog I am really dreading the row!!!!
