The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thursday June 25

Can you believe it is almost JULY?

Got some decent sleep last night. YES! Up with the coffee... IF today.

WOD: Push Jerks 1-1-1-1-1-1. 90% of 1RM (125lbs) ATB. Went with 115, they felt good. A few had a slight press at the top, so really need to focus on getting that out of there. Extra was 50 ring dips. Trying to introduce the kip into my dips....still need practice with that, and can I just say that 50 ring dips is a LOT, yo.

Went straight to sauna with MK after the gym, then to Dr. Mike. It's 10:37 and I am already counting the minutes till meal 1.

meal 1- t burger, red pepper, brocc, avocado, pecans.

egg @ 230

meal 2 @ 330- 4 hb eggs, brocc/cauli, olives, nuts

0-0-4 nuts plus a red pepper that I will maybe back out of my salad at din. We are having scallops tonight. It is a half block that I may just leave in there; but if I count it as a whole block, that brings my total to 5 for the day. Feeling pretty chatty about food today. :)

I feel pretty good today, like there has def been some recovery taking place. It has been a long week of WODs this week (I say that A LOT) and yesterday my body was feeling it...

din- scallops, egg, spinach salad w/ cuke and a little sweet onion, avocado, and square of daaaaaark choc.....tis almost Friday!!


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