The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ahhh Monday. August 16 already.

Well, I am pretty sore from Tyler. Also, it was 88 degrees in my house last night at 830PM. Our friend, Louis the AC man, got there to take a look and THANK GOODNESS is was an easy fix. It was 74 by the time I woke up~ but needless to say, it was a loooong day.

Up at 507AM today. Went down a bit late since I had to watch the boy make his NFL debut.

We noshed on some seriously delicious gf beef this weekend, also. So flipping good.

egg and pastured butter. yummmmmmy.

WOD: 3 rds: 20 WBS @ 14, 20 Hang Power Snatches @ 45. Snatches made me crampy today, so I listened to my body and took some major breaks during the WOD. WBS seemed to be no problem, but I think it was from the explosive landings in the snatches. Finished in 19:19.

breakfast- leftover beef&brocc, 2 eggs in past butter, handful blueberries, about half a red pepper.

lunch- gf burger w. mustard, cuke salad w. vinegar and onion, a red pepper, half avocado, few macs.

egg, red pepper, walnuts. bit munchy this afternoon. and lots of red pepper! ;) hey, it's better than cake.

supp- salmon, cooked spinach with lemon, nutmeg and hot sauce, half avocado. get in my belly.

Prenatal Yoga tonight :) :) :)

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