The Hip Kitty Lifestyle

Life goes STRONG as possible...with the Hip Kitty Lifestyle....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, hells yeah. January 20

Down late, thanks to the 101's 'Damages'....yowsa- that's a good one.  Also got caught up on Friday Night Lights  last night- lots of TV!

Up at 552AM.

WOD: Skills day for CFMom, but I made up 'Sammi' from last week: 4 rds: 12 BS @ 65, 12 ring rows (I subbed rack), 12 WBS @ 14.  About 17:00.

home to eat: eggys (of which I am beginning to tire), brocc with marinara, walnuts, black cafe.

Pauly and I actually got to do our devo together this morning (READ: actually *did* the devo)...we have both been slacking a bit lately with the daily devos, which I don't like, but I guess I get in a rut sometimes.  It is such a better way to start my day.  We do The Upper Room, which we both like because it's easy to read and understand- thank you Methodists!  My mother is getting me a sub to Daily Bread (I think?) and that one is not as smooth of a lesson for me for some reason.....ahh, the Episcopalians (sp) :) :) which is funny since I was raised an Episcopalian and now a Methodist :)  We all worship the same God, yes? ;)

Lunch meeting out at The Verandah today- looking forward to seeing these fellow committee members since they haven't seen me since I've been pregs- should be fun!

Also looking forward to acquiring a big batch of GF beef today- we are out!!

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